Prayer For The French Republic reviews are in!

Find out what the critics thought about the Broadway play
The reviews for the Broadway play Prayer For The French Republic are here, and it's time to see what critics really thought! The play is currently running at the Broadway theatre Samuel J. Friedman since December 19, 2023, and plans to have showings until February 18, 2024.
The story follows one French Jewish family over five generations. Prayer For The French Republic is a vital portrait of how hatred can echo through the centuries, told with Harmon's biting wit and observation. The power of Harmon's tale and live theatre are not to be missed - let's dive into the reviews!
"It's a plus-size play about big social issues that impresses in large structural ways as well as small moments." New York Theatre Guide
'impresses in large structural way'
"Director David Cromer further enhances Harmon's script with a beautiful production" TheatreMania
'beautiful production'
"Prayer for the French Republic asks big questions of history, of family, of identity and, all but miraculously, answers their call." Deadline
'Prayer for the French Republic asks big questions of history'
"Harmon takes the genre to the next level by not just depicting anti-Semitism or warning against it but in earnestly trying to wrestle with how to respond to it" amNY
Have you seen Prayer For The French Republic or planning to? Don't forget to tell us what you thought by leaving your review on the show page.