Customer Reviews for Jesus Christ Superstar
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Loved it
Saw the show in Hartford CT. Beautiful set and a fiery young cast danced and sang so well. The music was very moving as well. I would recommend this 90 minute rendition to families and friends.
Great show, Great Music, Great Time.
I needed this. What a thrill to see this musical, powerful performances on stage, the actors were so full of energy, I bounced in my seat to the songs. The band was tight, and the drums and guitar were channeling some pure rock and roll. Incredible!
JC Superstar
Get your tickets NOW - 'cuz once the word gets out, you won't find any available anywhere; yes, it's THAT good!! Powerful message with equally powerful music performed by a cast of near-perfect voices in combination with a wonderful set that puts the muscians on top of the action. They all amaze - and soothe every want with respect to matching your memories of the magnificent score with your need to experience those words performed by a cast with great unison in dance and movement while singing this dramatic story. I GUARANTEE that you will experience huge applause - and the absolute and overwhelming stillness associated with near-perfect performances. Go to a play this year - and make sure it is this one...and you will be forever a fan of both the art form and this particular presentation.
Fantastic performance! Jesus had the most amazing voice and his s performance had me in tears! All the cast was excellent!!
JC Superstar
I came to the show having seen it live 50 years ago in Chicago. Didn't imagine it could measure up. Measure up it did! Fantastic! I don't understand the folks complaining about plot lines etc. Guess the same controversy still exists about it today as it did all those years ago. At that time, I was told it was blasphemous. A very moving performance.
Phenomenal Show!
This was the third time that I have seen Jesus Christ Superstar. This performance was by far the most amazing. All of the cast were so talented, and the choreography was unbelievable. I had chills several times throughout the show. I wish I could have personally congratulated the entire cast. Bravo! I highly recommend this show!