Aw, Shucks! Chris Botti finished at Blue Note Jazz Club on January 5, 2025
Chris Botti is now showing at St. George Theatre
Chris Botti

Aw, Shucks! Chris Botti finished at Blue Note Jazz Club on January 5, 2025
Chris Botti is now showing at St. George Theatre
Why see Chris Botti?
Swing The Night Away With Chris Botti
America's top-selling instrumental artist Chris Botti has charm and talent in spades; the Italian American contemporary jazz trumpeter breathes new life into a range of different genres from American songbook standards to bebop classics by the likes of Miles Davis. Botti is not only a highly skilled musician but a consummate entertainer, with a gleam in his eye his onstage banter calls to mind the performers of jazz's golden age.
Performing over 300 concerts a year with his exceptionally talented crew of musicians, the trumpeter has a highly polished act with a fluid, ever-changing set. His tone is rich and warm, his technique masterful and he never shies away from a big ending - rest assured Botti will pull out all the stops in what will be an unforgettable show.
Customer reviews
J Murphy
Chris botti stanley theater utica ny
Marie Brochstein
Breath of fresh air
Deborah LoPiccolo
Phenomenal Talent