Sooshi Mango

The night was a non-stop laugh out loud variety show!
Hi Fi Way
Why see Sooshi Mango?
Not Mango Sushi, It's Sooshi Mango
Australian comedy troupe Sooshi Mango is hitting North America with their Off The Boat tour. The trio gained fame for their acts centering around their Italian-Australian heritage, and the way this shaped them in their youth. Much beloved for their Ethnic Dads skits, they took the characters and created a whole hilarious world for them. They're selling out shows left right and center, so get your tickets now and you'll be bonza... Si!
You could call the three overachievers and you'd be right. They have a podcast, Saucy Meatballs, released music, opened a restaurant, and even brought out their own range of wine, one of which became the number one seller in Australia.
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